About Us
Without Followers are you truly a Leader?
Let us hear about your challenges and goals, we’d love to listen and create customized solutions and strategies to overcome challenges and hit your targets.
Mark Wild – President and Founder
Focuspoint Continues to Evolve to Help Your People and Organization Evolve
Nobody could have imaged how ways of doing business would change so dramatically over the last few years. What has been your biggest challenge adopting to remote or blended work scenarios; retaining talent perhaps?
It is becoming increasingly obvious that companies must listen to and train their people – or risk losing them. Does this sound overly pessimistic? The “Great Resignation” has been attributed to these issues and is changing the employment landscape around the globe. Not only is this true for all levels of staff but especially the leadership team. How would your business cope with these changes and how would you replace lost talent?
People are no longer showing up to the workplace in the persona of a “worker” but as their whole selves. Leaders can no longer rely on top down leadership nor hide behind the thin veil of a title such as “manager” and just tell people what to do. Team members, especially millennials, have clearly stated their need for feedback and empathy in the workplace. More companies are tuning in to fact that intrinsic motivation is not a one-size-fit all concept but still struggle to know what to do beyond this point.
- Leaders need followers to lead effectively.
- Teams need trust and psychological safety to innovate.
- Companies need innovation to be competitive.
Coaching, rather than managing teams works far more effectively to increase engagement. Everyone is different, including working styles and the ways that an individual is motivated. It can seems like an impossible task to establish, maintain, and grow a great team with remote work and other requirements.
Reach out to discuss how your company can retain talent, create innovative teams, and grow.